G&P Veranstaltungen und Neuigkeiten
Fallstudie: Insiderwissen – Wie QTrak von der Insider-Erfahrung profitiert hat
Die Herausforderung QTrak, das einzigartige webbasierte EchtzeitQualitätsmanagement-IT-System von G&P, das vollständig im eigenen Haus entwickelt wurde, musste den unterschiedlichen Anforderungen der G&P-Kunden bei der Einhaltung von Qualitätsstandards gerecht werden, unabhängig davon, in welchem Fertigungssektor sie tätig sind. Dazu gehörte auch die Berücksichtigung der unterschiedlichen Mitarbeiter, die das System nutzen, sowie der verschiedenen Betriebsumgebungen, in denen es […]
06 Aug 21
Innovative overseas operation maintains manufacturing quality standards and drives down costs
A renowned European manufacturing supplier is maintaining quality standards and reducing costs thanks to G&P G&P’s ‘extended workbench’ solution effectively creates one team between the customer and G&P’s own personnel Such has been the success that G&P has opened an additional facility in central Europe to provide the same solution to other customers A renowned […]
22 Jul 21
BLOG – Quality expertise driven by quality technology
Remote working has become the norm. With this comes opportunities and challenges, including on the IT systems needed to support and maintain quality standards in manufacturing. Furthermore, a growing need for integration between suppliers and customers IT systems is now expected rather than being some futuristic flight of fancy. Listen to customers G&P has been […]
06 Jul 21
Automotive and aerospace quality excellence being transferred to other manufacturing sectors
More than 25 years of automotive and aerospace quality excellence now available to a range of manufacturing sectors G&P’s diversification drive aims to help other manufacturers maintain quality standards while dealing with the long-term impact of COVID-19 on working practices Last year alone G&P reworked more than 27 million parts for its customers to OEM […]
25 May 21
BLOG – A ‘model’ for maintaining quality in manufacturing
As a supplier of quality management services to the manufacturing industry, we help companies achieve the highest possible quality standards, while improving efficiency and reputation, together with reducing cost and waste. In order to improve our overall effectiveness and help regional, national and international manufacturers and suppliers further, we have developed an industry leading model […]
12 May 21
Quality management provider G&P celebrates 15 years in Hungary
G&P, a leading quality management provider, is celebrating 15 years in Hungary G&P employees work with manufacturers to maintain quality standards, increase efficiency and deliver cost improvements Located in Mór, G&P is now looking forward to another 15 years and more in Hungary Leading quality management provider G&P, which has particular expertise in the automotive […]
05 May 21
Pedal power replaces horse power on London 2 Paris charity bike ride
Geoff Cousins, chairman at G&P and blood cancer charity Cure Leukaemia, swaps the driving seat for the saddle The Cure Leukaemia London 2 Paris charity bike ride is set for September 2021 and is its biggest event in five years Money raised will go towards funding vitally important clinical trials to treat blood cancer The […]
21 Apr 21
FALLBEISPIEL: Unterstützung des Qualitätsmanagements – Entschlossenes Eingreifen zur Behebung von Produktionsproblemen
Die Herausforderung Ein führender Automobilhersteller, der Ledersitze von einem Zulieferer auf dem europäischen Festland verwendete, hatte Produktionsprobleme aufgrund unzureichender Lieferungen, um seine Produktionspläne einzuhalten. Das Problem begann, als der OEM nach kontinuierliche zuverlässige Lieferungen, das Design der Sitze änderte, um eine neue perforierte Platte einzubauen. Die Bestellung von Sitzen mit einer perforierten Platte führte zu […]
19 Apr 21
FALLBEISPEL: Fahrzeugtechniker Nahtlos integriert in den Betrieb des OEM
Die Herausforderung Einer der weltweit führenden OEM wollte seinen über Jahrzehnte aufgebauten Ruf für die Produktion von Fahrzeugen, die zum Synonym für seinen Namen geworden sind, schützen und verbessern. Das Unternehmen erkannte die Notwendigkeit, sicherzustellen, dass jedes Fahrzeug, das sein Werk verlässt, nach den höchsten Standards gebaut wird und sowohl die Erwartungen der Händler als […]
13 Apr 21
BLOG – Transformational leadership in a disruptive environment
Disruption is not new, disruption has always been feared and sometimes even the experts get it wrong when underestimating the changes that disruption will bring, both positive and negative. In such a fast-shifting landscape, particularly from an automotive perspective, the importance of transformational leadership to address, and flourish, in ever-changing circumstances is vital. And while […]
12 Apr 21